Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm bored.

And I want to see how many people would actually visit this page just to read this :P

Don't blame me afterwards ... I'm BORED ...

P.S. Please do leave a comment by the way if this annoyed you :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All Leeched Out ..

I thought it would turn out to be just another day. I could not have been more wrong ..

My alarm rang at 7 am as usual. I woke up groggily, put the alarm on snooze and slept back. 5 minutes later again I hear the familiar alarm tone of my phone. Again I put it on snooze. Rang again after 5 minutes. This time I actually mustered enough strength to squint my eyes open, pulled my quilt around me to stay warmer (it was raining outside) and decided to finally wake up and do my normal morning chores.

Nothing wrong so far .. I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste in the most peaceful mood imaginable. I put on my slippers, stepped out of my door, and turned around to latch my door. That was when I saw it.

My first reaction: Ugh!!

It was a leech.

A big fat, shiny, slimy leech.

In the most repulsive purplish brownish color imaginable. Climbing its way slowly and steadily up my door, leaving a trail of sticky goo behind it. With small antennae moving every now and then. Sticking to the door on its slimy little underbelly the way a starfish would stick on a glass wall (only much more disgusting).

For a couple of minutes I just stared at it transfixed in horror. There was a leech on my door. It was nothing more and nothing less than a leech. And it was totally freaking me out.

I decided to give it a break. Maybe when I come back after lunch, it might have gone.

Obviously it didn't. On the contrary it seemed to be bigger and yuckier than ever. And it seemed to actually have climbed higher, the last thing I wanted it to do.

So, I thought it might go away on its own, but since when does luck ever favor anyone in things like these? I waited 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours; it just seemed to be doing its own icky little ballet with my door as the dance floor.

I thought I might try removing it with a piece of paper (I have zero knowledge on what to do when a leech is on my door, by the way). So I tried scraping it off .. But Lady Luck still wasn't on my side.

Not only did I fail at what I was trying to do, because the thing was totally glued to my door .. I somehow actually sliced the leech's skin thingy or whatever-its-called a bit, and it started oozing some transparent stuff.


That was when it developed this tiny tentacle-like thing, and it seemed to extend and stick to the door denoting its path as it moved down.

I gave up. I decided that I would just see what it does overnight, and if it doesn't go by then, I'll get someone to remove it off.

Came back from dinner. I had more surprises waiting for me.

The tentacle had detached itself from the door and was now hanging from what seemed like the head of the leech. And it appeared to be smaller in size. However, as I altered the direction of my gaze ..

Another leech.

TWO leeches. As if one wasn't enough.

Double Ew.

And the second one was bigger than the first one ever was, and slimier and grosser.

That was it. I gave in for the night. Thought I'll see to it the next day. Thankfully, when I got up in the middle of the night, the first one had made its way off my door to the wall. The other one was still stuck there.

In the morning, the other one was off my door as well, but then it was sticking onto the door frame. Lifting up its head with its tiny antennae wiggling about in a very mocking manner. And I have absolutely no idea how this happened, but somehow it just unstuck itself and fell down.

I couldn't help but say to myself: Hehehe.

So, my lesson from this experience:
Never use paper to scrape off a leech. It definitely doesn't work, and you wouldn't want to see what might just happen otherwise ..

And what to actually do when you come across an unfortunate situation when you find a leech on your door?

Fundaes anyone? :P

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Walk That Will Be Remembered

Mumbai, 11 June: Well, it all started like just another ordinary day. I got up late, idled around the house most of the time, and things were going pretty much according to schedule (which is generally nonexistent). Seemed to be another normal monotonous day. Turned out I was mistaken.

So, it all started when a friend of mine, let's call her Shruti for now, decided to turn up uninvited at my place, no big surprises there. Of course, being Monsoon season right now, our dear darling got her umbrella with her, nice and colorful, with ugly blue flowers all over it, I might add. And once she's turned up at my home, there's no possible way I can avoid going out for a walk with her. Also, being in the weird attire I usually don at home, I had no alternative but to change my clothes to appear decent enough for her, forget the world outside (she has the guts to literally strip me, so I can't take any risks there either). So, clothes done and all, just as I proceed to step outside the house, I get a reminder to take
my umbrella along with me, something I had absolutely no intention of doing. Fine, umbrella taken too, we stepped outside. And what is the probability that we actually use our umbrellas? Zero. Unless you count the time I partially opened it so that I could stick my cell phone inside it to avoid getting it wet. (The few people who know what happened to my last phone would appreciate why I am so careful nowadays with my phone).

So, here we are, strolling happily down hill, and we look no less than weirdos, considering our dressing sense. Me dressed in black and white and grey, whereas Shruti in yellow, black, red, beige, pink, brown, purple (yes, I said purple, on her toenails) with umbrellas in our hands in the rain. Well, anyway, we kind of stand out wherever we go .. And today was no less, we were attracting a lot of stares, from all kinds of people. Including this one particularly charming gentleman, who straightaway decided to try his chance with us two lovely young ladies.

Yup, that's him. (The actual one in question.)

Well, ignoring all the other females around, he made a beeline straight for us. And I gotta admit he had style, the rhythmic swaying of the head, the occasional grunts, walking slowly towards us. He had all the etiquette a female (cow) could ever ask for. Frankly, I was immediately taken with his unashamed outwardness, at least he ensured that he didn't go unnoticed with the ladies. On the other hand, Shruti, who doesn't really fancy much male attention (and also happens to be a Taurean, by the way), did something very typical of Bollywood movies, and even she had style to it. Out comes her chappal (which was bright red), and she brandishes it repeatedly, like it was the IPL trophy, at our admirer.

This, unfortunately for her, was not at all turning our big friend off. On the contrary, he appeared to be following us with even more enthusiasm. I was slightly flattered by this behaviour, still was walking steadily without a backward glance. After some 10 meters of being followed, Shruti seemed to decide that 'enough is enough' (her words), put her chappal back on and stalked off in front, leaving me to tackle with our gentleman (something that we both agree I am better at). Now, with her gone, our friend's interest seemed to ebb, and I guess he had no plans of making me his wing(wo)man. So off he went, in a direction where there appeared to be more females, and this time, thankfully, of his own species.

Well, that pretty much was our little adventure for the day, and now Shruti is even more inert towards unwanted male attention. As for me, I don't need to be .. Do I? :P

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A change around the corner ..

No philosophy seeping in here for sure .. Beat me up anytime if you see any :P